I wanna take photo of where I met everyone!【Photo of the month】


It was the move-out day for a resident who had lived in SEN for about 1.5 years.

She wanted to take a picture of the place where we met! So She took a shot of the place where I met everyone.


I was impressed by one thing she said when she was leaving SEN.

She said, “I feel so sad when I leave SEN.

It made us very happy to know that she had enjoyed her time in the share house.

This month’s “Photo of the month” is one filled with her thoughts and feelings about the share house.


Each resident has their own unique feelings about moving into a share house, but when it’s time for them to move out, we want them to enjoy their stay so much that they’ll be sad to leave the share house just as she did.


I hope you can get a feel for the TESEN share house!

It’s wonderful to have friends to send you off to and I could feel the warmth of the SEN residents! Living in a share house may only be a short time in the residents’ lives but the staff would be happy if it became an unforgettable memory!

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