【TESEN-NOVEL Vol.14】 Garcon in Paris


This is SHU, the management staff of Osaka Share House.


I work in a share house, and I’m writing a series of novels at my leisure.

“What kind of place is a share house? “What kind of life can I expect?


I’m writing this novel for those who are wondering.


It’s a fictionalized version of non-fiction.


Would you like to take a look at life in a share house with me?


I hope that the wonderful things that happen in a share house will reach as many people as possible.


I hope to bring a rich life to as many people as possible.




“I’m going to be a top Garcon!”
Do you know what a garcon is?
#Let me explain. A “garçon” is a male waiter in a French restaurant, but in English-speaking countries, it is usually called a “waiter. The main job of a garçon is to serve food and drink and explain the menu, and basic customer service skills such as polite language are required. They also play an important role in impressing the customers with the image of the restaurant, and in addition to smart behavior and a soft demeanor, one of the important jobs of a garçon is to remember the names of customers in order to increase the number of repeat customers. One of his important jobs is to remember the names of his customers in order to increase the number of repeat customers. He is likened to an actor who uses his workplace as a stage to play the role of a garçon.
This is what the cheerful guy from France says in the kitchen.
I didn’t know what a garçon was either.
I heard that in France, many people come to the stores to see the garçons.
I guess it’s like the image of a sign girl in Japan.
To become a garçon, he is going to Paris again.
He is now in Japan to recharge his energy.
He is Japanese, but his aura is clearly not Japanese.
His aura is Parisian, or rather, the atmosphere he exudes is Michelle-like.
I’ve never met anyone with a Parisian aura, and I don’t know what Michelle means by that.
I’ve never met anyone with a Parisian aura, and I don’t know what Michelle means, but she talks to me in a way that makes me feel that Paris is very close to me, even though I’ve never been abroad.

シェアハウス小説【TESEN文庫 第13話】

Regardless of where you are, the quality of restaurants has risen and you can get a certain level of food anywhere you go.
However, what if the person who brings the food to your table is not knowledgeable, does not have a good atmosphere, and just comes to your table like a drudge?
It might make the food taste a little bland.
In Japan, the position of “garçon” is regarded as a relatively easy job for college students.
However, this is not the case, he said.
You have to know when to serve the food, when to serve the drinks, when to ask the customers if they like the taste of the food, how to recommend the right wine for them, how to walk with them, etc. You can’t miss a single moment of what happens at the table you are in charge of.
Yes, it seems that in France, people are assigned to tables at cafes.
You are in charge of everything from serving food to paying the bill to the tables you are in charge of.
And what’s interesting is that there is a commission system.
A percentage of the food and beverage bill paid by the customer goes to the galson.
Of course, there are tips, too.
It is said that many people choose to work with Garson.
At beauty salons and nail salons, people often nominate the person in charge of their nails to receive services.
However, the culture of appointing a staff member at a restaurant is not yet present in Japan.
In Paris, there is a garçon among garcon.
I heard that there is a top garçon in Paris, and he is Japanese.
He’s going to Paris to apprentice himself to this Japanese person.
I’m rooting for you! I wanted to say something nice to him, but I couldn’t think of anything.
I wanted to say something nice, but I couldn’t think of anything, so I just said, “Good luck!
The days seem to be getting longer.
Spring is steadily approaching.
Only the seasons are flowing by, and the sparkling season is coming.
I feel like I’m the only one being left behind by the seasons.
Spring is still too bright for me.

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